1 in 60 Rule

The 1 in 60 rule is used in air navigation, and states that if a pilot has travelled sixty miles then an error in track of one mile is approximately a 1° error.
1 in 60 Rule1in60-Formulas

Known Values
TRK Track. Your desired track over the ground
HDG Heading. The magnetic heading you are flying.
Dist Run Distance Run. The distance already travelled when found off track.
Dist to Go  Distance to Go. The distance remaining to arrive at your destination, or to get back on track.
Distance Off The distance off track you are.

Values to Find

TE Track Error. The angle of which you are off track.
TMG Track Made Good. This is the actual path you have travelled along the ground. HDG + TE
CA Closing Angle. The angle you need to adjust to return to being on track.
ALT Alteration. Angle to change heading to head towards original track. TE° + CA°
xHDG The heading to fly at point C to arrive at point D.
yHDG The heading to fly at point D to regain your track.


Finding Track Error

Finding Track ErrorUsing your CR2 Computer, on the distance and time side, place the Distance Run on the inner scale against Distance Off on the outer scale. Then look at the time arrow for TE°

Track error can also be found using a formula:

TE° = Dist Off x 60 ÷ Dist Run

Finding Track Made Good

Track made good is found by adding (or subtracting) the TE° from HDG°
If track is off to the right, subtract TE, if track is off to the left, add TE.


Finding Closing Angle

Finding Closing AngleUsing your CR2 Computer, on the distance and time side, place the Distance to Go on the inner scale against the Distance Off on the outer scale. Then look at the time arrow for CA°

Closing angle can also be found using a formula:

CA° = Dist Off x 60 ÷ Dist to Go