There are some situations where you may want to change how and when email accounts in outlook send and recieve emails.…
You may wish to add an additional Email address or Email account to Outlook if you want to be able…
@@Identity (Transact-SQL) Is a system function that returns the last-inserted identity value. To use this in a tSQL statement, you…
Example TAS: 110kts Variation: 12°E Wind: 320/10 (true) Distance: 100nm TRK: 350° (true)
The 1 in 60 rule is used in air navigation, and states that if a pilot has travelled sixty miles…
When rounding decimals, there are some built-in javascript functions that can help you with the basics var num = 10;…
A Poem my Mother wrote for her mother:
Recently our HP MSA suffered a VDisk Failure, reporting the following messages: Degraded. Virtual-disk is not fault tolerant. Event…
Places I have been.
Here is a quick and simple way to add a fading image rotator to your website, using CSS and JavaScript…