I want to be able to create a list of all classes that inherit a specified interface within a given…
@@Identity (Transact-SQL) Is a system function that returns the last-inserted identity value. To use this in a tSQL statement, you…
ASP.NET has a Page.Validate() method that is used to programatically validate an ASP.NET Form, however, Page.Validate() is a server side…
Here is a quick way to find out how many times a particular day of the week occurs between two…
This is a quick and easy way to read a files content into a string, or write a string to…
Format a large integer (long) that represents a file size in bytes to a more readable string representation that includes…
There may be some situations where you would like to retrieve the size of a given file. Below is a…
In almost all cases, it is a good practice to validate the users input because of many reasons (i.e. security,…