I had a problem with a SQL Server 2008 database that had a log file in excess of 90gb, when…
I want to be able to create a list of all classes that inherit a specified interface within a given…
@@Identity (Transact-SQL) Is a system function that returns the last-inserted identity value. To use this in a tSQL statement, you…
When rounding decimals, there are some built-in javascript functions that can help you with the basics var num = 10;…
Here is a quick and simple way to add a fading image rotator to your website, using CSS and JavaScript…
ASP.NET has a Page.Validate() method that is used to programatically validate an ASP.NET Form, however, Page.Validate() is a server side…
When creating a SELECT query, sometimes you may want to display a dynamic field with a different value depending on…
Here is a quick way to find out how many times a particular day of the week occurs between two…
VBScript does not implicity allow the Sleep command that you can use in the VB Programming language, to force the…
This post shows you how to create a basic popup window using Java Script as well as a reference list…